SOOO. I went to OSU Wexner Medical Center for Bariatrics Surgery. It was my first official dr's visit. We went over my eating history, diet hisotry, which surgey is best for me and basic lab work. So everything went Well. Its scary and liberating at the same time that I am doing this. I weighed in at 280lbs at 5 ft 4.5 inches. my bmi is 47.5... Its time to make a change... What I find most awesome about the begining of this journey is that this is my decision. No one elses. I've had some family emebers talk me out of it because im still young and becuase I have lost weight in the past. 

WELL... Its something ive struggled with my entire life and its time I make a permanent change. I got to schedule an EDG becuase I do take tylenol for headaches. Basically that is a endoscope put down my throat to make sure esophogus and stomach are okay... ehhh oh well its got to be done!

Anyway, My dietician was very pleased with my diet becuase i've been dieting for the past few years and went over my eating habbits and excersize habbits. I got a B+ lol on that. I have to cut out pop and cheese... those are my downfalls I <3 cheese!

It is 09/30 and this has been a stressful month for me to say the least! My mother is in a walker and can barely move (she has bad knees) and my father just had a hip replacement surgery. I've been trying to help them as much as I can but them living 3 hours away does not make that easy. I have taken my dad's dog (her name is EVEY and she is the most princess like hound dog ever!) so she will not be jumping on him while he heals.

I'm worried about my mother as she is having a hard time. It makes me cry thinking that she is in so much pain. My little brother is not very much help so (hes a college junior). So I feel like I am the only one there for my mom and dad at the moment.

On top of that Ive been gaining weight. 3 lbs to be precise. I think its due to stress especially since I havent been eating all that much lately. I think mainly from work - work has been crazy... Ugh!

The Good news is that I have made the stpes forward in getting the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. I am still not sure if I want to have that or the Roux En Y. It's a mind challenging thing. Oh well. I go on October 2nd to talk it over for my first meeting

The even better news is that my insurance for work covers both the surgeries I am looking for 100% if I go to a center of excellence (which is perfect since Dr. Needleman would be my surgeon and he works for one as OSU Wexner Center for Bariatric Surgery). 

I googled his name and bariatric surgery. I cannot find one single bad thing on about 10 different websites I searched. Im still looking but its really good. Check him out and let me know what you think http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Bradley_Needleman/video